Checking For Updates

Why Updates?

The PhotobooksRus software regularly receives updates. Sometimes these are big, important updates to the software itself; sometimes updates are released for projects; sometimes new backgrounds, scrapbook items and other design elements are released. It's always best to download and apply the latest updates to ensure the software runs well and offers you the latest options and features.

Windows & Mac

This guide has been put together in Microsoft Windows, but the process is the same on both platforms, apart from Administrator rights, which is exclusively a Windows feature. On Mac, your user / admin account credentials might be required for updates.

Running as Administrator

Some Windows accounts require the software to be "Run as administrator" in order to apply updates. On Mac, the system will simply prompt you for your user account password when it needs to.

On the PC: Right-click the PhotobooksRus icon on the desktop and select 'Run as Administrator':

Running as Administrator may require an administrator password.

Auto Updates

As a general rule, the software will check for updates automatically whenever you start the software. If new updates are available, the software will alert you, and ask of you'd like to update:

Auto Update (Critical Updates detected)
Auto Update (Critical Updates detected)

Manually Checking

You can check for updates manually at any time by click on the 'Create a New Project' button:

Select new open or view
Click on the 'Create a New Project' Button to be taken to the next screen

Then on the 'Check for Updates' button at the bottom-left of the following screen:

choose product
Click on the 'Check for Updates' Button to have the software connect to our server and check for updates

There are two types of updates:

  • ‘Application Data’, which on any version prior to 2019.10 must always be updated on its own, and requires a restart of the software.
  • ‘Asset’ Updates, including projects, frames, backgrounds, clip art, etc.
Application Data Update (Tick Box and press 'Install' button)

We recommend updating the ‘Application Data’ first. This will require a restart of the software (Not your computer.)

Application Data updates require the software perform a restart. (Press 'Yes')

Then select all of the ‘Asset’ updates and install them after the software has restarted. 'Assets' may include Projects, Backgrounds, Masks, Frames etc. To ensure all projects work as expected, please select ALL available updates.

Project Data updates available (tick category box to select all boxes at once)
Project Data updates available (tick category box to select all boxes at once)

The software will download and apply the updates:

Updates downloading and being applied
Updates downloading and being applied
Updates complete (Press Finish button)
Updates complete (Press Finish button)

When there are no updates left, we are finished and ready to create!

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